Topic: how computers are used in airplane cockpits

Find and document one credible and reliable source that supports your research topic and answers one or more of your research questions. Be sure to follow the MLA guidelines for citing sources.

You MUST use EBSCO to find this source

List 2 reasons why this is considered a “credible source”. Write in complete sentences.

Summarize the content of your source in 3-4 sentences. Write in complete sentences.

choose the correct answer

The source I found on EBSCO is titled "The Evolution of Flight Deck Computer Displays" by Terry Tobias. This source is considered credible because it is written by an expert in the field of aviation technology. Additionally, the article is published in a peer-reviewed journal, which ensures that the information presented has been vetted by other professionals in the field.

In "The Evolution of Flight Deck Computer Displays," Terry Tobias discusses the history and advancements of computer displays in airplane cockpits. The article explains how computer displays have evolved over time, from basic dials and gauges to sophisticated digital screens that provide pilots with vital information in real-time. The author also highlights the importance of human-computer interaction design in making these displays user-friendly and easy to understand for pilots.