Annabel is comparing the distances that two electric cars can travel after the battery is fully charged.

Car A
(miles) Car B
Mean 145 200
Median 142 196
IQR 8 4
MAD 6 2

Part A
Use the measures of center to make an inference about the data. Use the drop-down menus to complete your answer.

Car A
can travel further than
Car B
after the battery is fully charged.

Part B
Based on the data, which car performs most consistently? Explain.

Car A because the measures of center are smaller for Car A than for Car B.

Car B because the measures of center are smaller for Car B than for Car A.

Car A because the measures of variability are smaller for Car A than for Car B.

Car B because the measures of variability are smaller for Car B than for Car A.

Part A: Car B can travel further than Car A after the battery is fully charged.

Part B: Car B performs most consistently because the measures of variability (IQR and MAD) are smaller for Car B than for Car A. This indicates that the data points for Car B are closer to the mean and median, making it more consistent in terms of distance traveled.