Write about the Working class and the brief descriptions and also the approximate time period.

And write like a fourth grader

The working class is a group of people who have jobs that pay them money so they can buy things they need. They usually work in factories, on farms, in stores, or as teachers, doctors, or mechanics. They work hard to earn a living and support their families.

The working class was very important during the Industrial Revolution, which happened in the 18th and 19th centuries. During this time, people worked long hours in factories and mines to make goods like clothes, shoes, and tools. They didn't have much money or free time, but they helped build the world we live in today.

Even now, the working class is an important part of our society. They do jobs that keep our cities running, like driving buses, fixing roads, and stocking grocery store shelves. They may not have fancy jobs or make a lot of money, but they work hard and deserve our respect.