Explain in simple terms


There is moderate enlargement of the ventricles and sulci, consistent with
generalized cerebral parenchymal volume loss. Confluent periventricular as
well as scattered deep and subcortical T2 hyperintensities are nonspecific,
but statistically reflect the sequela of chronic small vessel ischemic
disease. No intracranial hemorrhage, midline shift or mass-effect is
present. No extra-axial fluid collections are seen. The brainstem and
cerebellar hemispheres are unremarkable. No diffusion restriction is
present to suggest an acute or recent infarct. There is no pathologic
parenchymal enhancement present.

There are bilateral lens implants present from prior cataract extractions.
The orbital contents are otherwise unremarkable. The visualized paranasal
sinuses and mastoids are clear.


1. No MR evidence of acute intracranial abnormality or infarct.
2. Moderate generalized cerebral parenchymal volume loss and sequela of
chronic microvascular change.


The brain appears to have shrunk somewhat, which is typically a sign of aging. There are areas of increased signal on the MRI that suggest damage from small vessel disease in the brain. There are no signs of bleeding, tumors, or other abnormalities. The eyes have artificial lenses from cataract surgery. The sinuses and mastoids are clear.


1. No signs of recent brain damage or stroke.
2. Some shrinkage of the brain and evidence of long-term small vessel disease.