The melting and subsequent retreat of glaciers is a long process that may take centuries. Why is something so slow considered an extreme disturbance?(1 point)


They strip away trees and destroy everything as they move.
They strip away trees and destroy everything as they move.

They move giant boulders and change the physical shape of the landscape.
They move giant boulders and change the physical shape of the landscape.

They will never grow back after they melt.
They will never grow back after they melt.

They leave behind bare rock with no established ecosystem.
They leave behind bare rock with no established ecosystem.

They leave behind bare rock with no established ecosystem.

The extreme disturbance caused by the melting and retreat of glaciers is not only due to the physical changes they bring about, such as moving giant boulders and changing the landscape, but also the ecological impact they have. Glaciers leave behind bare rock with no established ecosystem, making it difficult for plant and animal life to return and thrive in the area. This lack of a developed ecosystem can have long-lasting effects on the environment and can be considered an extreme disturbance.