.) How do Ellis’s research participants perform these Bushmen stereotypes? Do they benefit from these performances? Are they undermined in some way?

Ellis's research participants perform the Bushmen stereotypes by embodying attributes such as simplicity, innocence, and closeness to nature. They may benefit from these performances in the sense that it can attract attention, sympathy, and admiration from outsiders. It can also potentially create opportunities for financial support or exposure.

However, these performances can also be undermining as they reinforce the idea of the Bushmen as exotic "others" who exist solely for the entertainment or romanticized idealization of the outside world. It can perpetuate harmful stereotypes that limit the agency and autonomy of the Bushmen people and reduce them to mere objects of study or fascination. Additionally, it may contribute to a lack of understanding or appreciation for the complexities and realities of their lives and cultures. Overall, while these performances may have some short-term benefits, they ultimately serve to marginalize and reduce the Bushmen people to caricatures rather than fully recognized individuals with diverse experiences and identities.