Need help with this:

Write a list of meaningful modifiers and figures of speech used to describe the short story The Birds.



MC... I am sure that you can find some really nifty modifiers and similes and metaphor is that story.

I need help!


We'll be glad to help you, MC.

Please go back through the story, line by line, and find meaningful modifiers and figures of speech.

Then, we'll help you by commenting on your list and suggesting additions, if necessary.

Can I get a link for meaningful modifiers? I can't find anything useful on google...


MC what words paint a vivid picture in your mind when you read them.

Look at these two sentences. Fall leaves are bright. The leaves of fall are imitating the sun.

Meaningful modifiers include adjectives and adjectives such as: boastful, fuzzy, furry, tasty, magnificent, pastoral, faithfully, scornful, fragile, slyly, regally . . .

These modifiers are boring and don't have much real meaning: good, pretty, fast, nice . . .

But I'm writing about The Birds in a negative point of view, as i didn't like it at what could i use to say that the plot wasn't believable at all?


This assignment doesn't ask for your opinion. It asks you to find the meaningful modifiers and figures of speech.

I think you're procrastinating, MC.

ms. sue you are kinda harsh sometimes

mystery chicken im doing these journals now . . . there hard as heck . . . can you send me the ones you submitted