Which description defines dialogue?

The description of a character

What a character thinks about

What the characters say to each other

The actions of the characters

What the characters say to each other

How can dialogue contribute to the store development?

By engaging the reader senses

By emphasizing the setting

By providing a way for the reader to visualize events

By signaling changes in a character

By providing a way for the reader to visualize events

Which choice contains an example of dialogue?

Gary spoke his thoughts out loud debating over whether to purchase a car or a motorcycle

How did you do that? Carrie exclaimed when the magician performed his magic tricks

Louis bought her herself. I should probably start heading out to the dentist office.

Angel and Dylan were such close friends that they seem to talk to each other with just a look

"How did you do that? Carrie exclaimed when the magician performed his magic tricks"

Is a passage to answer the question

Ella looked out over the frozen lake that was starting to collect a layer out of the snow that was falling closing her eyes she took her head back to soak of wet little warm. The sun provided and imagined former days that involved ice cream and swimming.

This description reveals that Ella____

Loves snow, touching her face

Feels tired and wants to sleep

Mrs. Summer and dislikes winter

Once someone with her at the lake

Loves snow, touching her face


Feels tired and wants to sleep
