this portfolio you will think about a story you want to write. It can be completely made up

6th grade

or based on a real-life experience. Start by brainstorming ideas for your story, including characters, setting, plot, and themes. Consider what message or moral you want your story to convey.

Once you have a clear idea of your story, write a brief summary of it. Include the main characters, the conflict they face, and how they ultimately resolve it. Think about what makes your story unique and engaging for readers.

Next, outline the key events of your story, including the introduction of the characters, the rising action, the climax, and the resolution. Consider how each event builds upon the last and moves the story forward.

Finally, reflect on the themes and messages of your story. What do you want readers to take away from it? How do the characters and their actions serve to communicate these themes?

As you work on this portfolio, remember to be creative and have fun with your story. Let your imagination run wild and see where your storytelling skills take you.