Image A is a picture of a city street in north korea.. image B is a picture of a city street in south Korea. Use details from both images and your knowledge of the region to write a paragraph that describes the government and economic systems in place in each country.

In image A, the city street in North Korea appears bleak and austere, with uniform buildings lining the roadway. There are few signs of commercial activity, and the overall atmosphere is one of control and authority. This reflects the totalitarian government in place in North Korea, where power is concentrated in the hands of leader Kim Jong Un and dissent is not tolerated. The economy is largely state-controlled, with limited private enterprise allowed.

In contrast, image B depicts a bustling city street in South Korea, filled with vibrant signs, bustling shops, and bustling pedestrian activity. This reflects the democratic government in place in South Korea, where power is distributed among branches of government and citizens have the right to participate in free and fair elections. The economy is market-driven, with a strong emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship, and foreign trade. The stark contrast between the two images showcases the stark differences in government and economic systems between North and South Korea.