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Find the area of the Triangle. Do NOT label your answer.

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Sorry, without the specific dimensions of the triangle provided, it is not possible to calculate the area.

ita A = (4, 5)

B= (1, 2)
C = (6, 2

To find the area of a triangle with the coordinates of its vertices given, you can use the formula for the area of a triangle formed by three points in the Cartesian plane:

Area = 1/2 * |x1(y2 - y3) + x2(y3 - y1) + x3(y1 - y2)|

Given the coordinates A(4, 5), B(1, 2), and C(6, 2), plug the values into the formula:

Area = 1/2 * |4(2 - 2) + 1(2 - 5) + 6(5 - 2)|
Area = 1/2 * |4(0) + 1(-3) + 6(3)|
Area = 1/2 * |0 - 3 + 18|
Area = 1/2 * 15
Area = 7.5

Therefore, the area of the triangle formed by the points A(4, 5), B(1, 2), and C(6, 2) is 7.5 square units.