Lateral Surface Area Practice Complete this assessment to review what you've learned. It will not count toward your grade. 2 of 52 of 5 Items Question Use the image to answer the question. Find the lateral surface area for the regular pentagonal prism represented by the given net.

tthis is wrong and also its in ft not cm

I apologize for the mistake. Let's correct the calculation.

The side length of the regular pentagon is 4 ft, so each rectangle on the net has a height of 4 ft.

To find the lateral surface area of the regular pentagonal prism, we need to find the perimeter of the base and then multiply it by the height of the prism.

The perimeter of a regular pentagon can be found by multiplying the side length by 5:
Perimeter = 4 ft * 5 = 20 ft

Next, we multiply the perimeter by the height of the prism:
Lateral Surface Area = Perimeter * Height
Lateral Surface Area = 20 ft * 4 ft
Lateral Surface Area = 80 ft²

Therefore, the lateral surface area of the regular pentagonal prism represented by the given net is 80 square feet.

To find the lateral surface area of the regular pentagonal prism, we need to find the area of each of the five rectangles that make up the sides of the prism and then add them together.

The formula for finding the lateral surface area of a prism is:
Lateral Surface Area = Perimeter of the Base * Height

In this case, the base is a regular pentagon with side length 4 cm, so the perimeter of the base is 5 * 4 = 20 cm.

The height of the prism is the same as the side length of the base, which is 4 cm.

Therefore, the lateral surface area of the regular pentagonal prism is:
Lateral Surface Area = 20 cm * 4 cm = 80 cm²

So, the lateral surface area of the regular pentagonal prism represented by the given net is 80 cm².