What is the missing length l of the triangular prism if the surface area is 524 square centimeters?

To find the missing length l of the triangular prism, we first need to calculate the surface area of the prism.

The surface area of a triangular prism is given by the formula:

Surface Area = 2B + Ph

Where B is the area of the base of the prism, P is the perimeter of the base, and h is the height of the prism.

Since the prism is triangular, the base of the prism is a triangle. The area of a triangle can be calculated using the formula:

Area of a triangle = 0.5 * base * height

Let's assume that the base of the triangular prism is b and the height of the triangular prism is h. The area of the base triangle will be 0.5 * b * h.

The perimeter of the base of the prism can be calculated by adding the lengths of the three sides of the triangle.

So, the formula for the surface area becomes:

Surface Area = 2(0.5 * b * h) + (b + b + l)h

Surface Area = b * h + 2bh + lh

Given that the surface area is 524 square centimeters, we can write the following equation:

524 = b * h + 2bh + lh

Now, we need more information to determine the missing length l. If we have the specific values for the base and height of the prism, we can solve for the missing length l.