Command of quantitative evidence: foundations

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A bar graph titled "Deformation Rate of Five Volcanoes". The y-axis is labeled "Deformation rate (centimeters per month)" and ranges from 0 to 3.5 in increments of 0.5. The x-axis contains bars for five volcanoes glaciers, labeled "Alcedo", "Maule", "Fernandina", "Pacaya", and "Sierra Negra". "Alcedo" has an approximate value of 0.3, "Maule" has an approximate value of 1.9, "Fernandina" has an approximate value of 0.6, "Pacaya" has an approximate value of 3.3, "Sierra Negra" has an approximate value of 2.8.

A bar graph titled "Deformation Rate of Five Volcanoes". The y-axis is labeled "Deformation rate (centimeters per month)" and ranges from 0 to 3.5 in increments of 0.5. The x-axis contains bars for five volcanoes glaciers, labeled "Alcedo", "Maule", "Fernandina", "Pacaya", and "Sierra Negra". "Alcedo" has an approximate value of 0.3, "Maule" has an approximate value of 1.9, "Fernandina" has an approximate value of 0.6, "Pacaya" has an approximate value of 3.3, "Sierra Negra" has an approximate value of 2.8.
When magma moves underneath a volcano, it causes the surface of the volcano to change. This is known as deformation. Researchers recently calculated the amount of deformation occurring each month for five volcanoes in Latin America. Although Sierra Negra experienced a lot of deformation, its deformation rate was still lower than that of ______
Which choice most effectively uses data from the graph to complete the statement?
Choose 1 answer:
Choose 1 answer:
(Choice A) Pacaya.
(Choice B) Fernandina.
(Choice C) Alcedo.
(Choice D) Maule.

The correct answer is A) Pacaya. According to the data on the bar graph, Pacaya had the highest deformation rate at approximately 3.3 centimeters per month, which is higher than the deformation rate of Sierra Negra at 2.8 centimeters per month.