what are all of the 3 narrative persons??

The three narrative persons are first person, second person, and third person.

what are the about

The three narrative persons refer to the perspective from which a story is told.

1. First person: The narrator is a character in the story, using pronouns such as "I," "me," and "my" to tell the story. The reader experiences events through the eyes of this character.

2. Second person: The narrator addresses the reader directly using pronouns such as "you" to make the reader feel involved in the story. This narrative person is less commonly used in traditional fiction.

3. Third person: The narrator is an outside observer, not a character in the story, using pronouns such as "he," "she," and "they" to describe the actions and thoughts of the characters. This perspective can be limited (focused on one character's point of view) or omniscient (knowing all characters’ thoughts and events). Third person is the most commonly used narrative person in literature.

so if I am the main character in the story what am i

If you are the main character in the story and telling it from your own perspective, you would be using the first person narrative. This means you would refer to yourself as "I," "me," and "my" throughout the story.

and if I have friends or family what are they?

If you have friends or family in the story and you are telling it from your perspective, they would also be referred to in the first person narrative. You would use pronouns like "he/she," "they," or their names when talking about them. The first person narrative allows you to share your personal experiences and relationships with the other characters in the story.

what would be an example of the second person!?

An example of second person narrative would be a story where the narrator addresses the reader directly as "you." For example:

"You walk into the old house and feel a shiver run down your spine. You hear footsteps behind you and turn around... "

In this example, the reader is directly involved in the story, experiencing the events as if they were happening to them. Second person narration is less common in traditional fiction but can create a unique and immersive reading experience.
