An electronics store makes a profit of $32 for every portable DVD player sold and $64 for every DVD recorder sold. The manager’s target is to make at least $256 a day on sales of the portable DVD players and DVD recorders. Write an inequality that represents the number of both kinds of DVD players that can be sold to reach or beat the sales target. Let p represent the number of portable DVD players and r represent the number of DVD recorders.

(1 point)

32p + 64r ≥ 256
32 p + 64 r ≥ 256

64p + 32r ≥ 256
64 p + 32 r ≥ 256

32p + 64r > 256
32 p + 64 r > 256

32p + 64r < 256

32p + 64r ≥ 256