convert from feet to yards (hint: there are 3 feet in 1 yard

7,422 feet = ____ yards

7,422 feet = 2,474 yards

pam uses 4 fluid ounces of juice to make one ice pop how many ice pops can she make with 5 quarts of juice

(Hint: there are 32 fluid ounces in 1 quart)

First, we need to convert 5 quarts to fluid ounces:

5 quarts * 32 fluid ounces/quart = 160 fluid ounces

Now we can calculate how many ice pops Pam can make with 160 fluid ounces of juice:

160 fluid ounces / 4 fluid ounces per ice pop = 40 ice pops

Pam can make 40 ice pops with 5 quarts of juice.

use the equation t = f - 3 to find the value of t when f = 7

To find the value of t when f = 7 using the equation t = f - 3, we substitute f = 7 into the equation:

t = 7 - 3
t = 4

Therefore, when f = 7, t = 4.

write 1 3/8 as a decimal number

To write 1 3/8 as a decimal number, you can first convert the mixed number to an improper fraction and then divide the numerator by the denominator.

1 3/8 = (8 * 1 + 3) / 8 = 11/8

Now, divide the numerator (11) by the denominator (8) to convert the fraction to a decimal:

11 ÷ 8 = 1.375

Therefore, 1 3/8 as a decimal number is 1.375.