4. Evaluate the two graphs. What evidence do they show regarding the changing of greenhouse gases over time? (1 point) Responses Methane concentrations have increased over time, while carbon dioxide concentrations have decreased over time. Methane concentrations have increased over time, while carbon dioxide concentrations have decreased over time. Carbon dioxide concentrations have increased over time, while methane concentrations have decreased over time. Carbon dioxide concentrations have increased over time, while methane concentrations have decreased over time. Carbon dioxide and methane concentrations have decreased over time. Carbon dioxide and methane concentrations have decreased over time. Carbon dioxide and methane concentrations have increased over time.

Based on the two graphs, the evidence shows that carbon dioxide concentrations have increased over time, while methane concentrations have also increased over time. This is evident from the upward trend in both graphs showing the concentration levels of these greenhouse gases. Therefore, the correct evaluation is that carbon dioxide and methane concentrations have increased over time.