2.2 Compare the group member’s portfolio notes on what additional subject could be included in the BSocSci Degree.

2.2.1 Name the subject not currently a Major or Minor in the UFS program.
2.2.2 Please state the name of the University which includes this subject which the group feels could be added to our degree as a Major or Minor.
2.2.3 Briefly justify why the group thinks this subject should be included.

2.2.1 - One subject that could be included in the BSocSci Degree at UFS is Environmental Studies.

2.2.2 - The University of Cape Town includes Environmental Studies as a Major in their program.

2.2.3 - The group believes that including Environmental Studies in the BSocSci Degree would be beneficial as it would provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the social, economic, and political implications of environmental issues. This subject would also equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to address pressing environmental challenges and contribute towards sustainable development. Additionally, considering the current global emphasis on environmental sustainability, incorporating Environmental Studies into the BSocSci program would ensure that UFS graduates are well-rounded and prepared to tackle complex societal issues.