What was the major goal of the use of satire in enlightenment, art and literature to show the upper class of society in a better light to accept traditional ideas as they are with that question to demonstrate the good in the culture and society of that error to use humor and exaggeration to point out, societal and cultural issues

The major goal of using satire in enlightenment art and literature was to critique and challenge the social norms and values of the upper class, as well as to highlight the flaws and absurdities within society. Satire was used as a tool to provoke thought and spark conversation about the issues facing society, while also providing a sense of entertainment and humor. By using satire, artists and writers were able to expose the hypocrisy and corruption within the upper class, and bring attention to the injustices and inequalities present in society. Ultimately, the goal was to encourage individuals to question and challenge traditional ideas, and to strive for a more just and equitable society.