Describe the progression of the disease and the life expectancy of a patient with diabetes?

The progression of diabetes can vary depending on the individual and how well they are able to manage their blood sugar levels. In general, if diabetes is not well-controlled, it can lead to a variety of complications over time. These complications can include cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, eye problems, and poor wound healing.

Life expectancy for a patient with diabetes can also vary depending on factors such as age, overall health, and how well their diabetes is managed. In general, having diabetes can shorten life expectancy by about 5 to 10 years compared to people without diabetes. However, with proper management, including regular monitoring of blood sugar levels, healthy eating, exercise, and medication, many people with diabetes are able to live long, healthy lives. It is important for individuals with diabetes to work closely with their healthcare team to manage their condition and prevent complications.