Using ethos, convince an audience that animal testing morally wrong.

As humans, we have a moral responsibility to treat all living beings with dignity and respect. Animal testing involves subjecting innocent creatures to painful and often unnecessary experiments, all in the name of human progress. This goes against our very nature as compassionate beings.

By allowing animal testing to continue, we are endorsing the idea that the lives of animals are somehow less valuable than our own. This is a dangerous and unethical belief that can lead to further exploitation and harm to these creatures.

Furthermore, there are numerous alternative methods available that can provide accurate and reliable data without the need for animal testing. By choosing to use these alternative methods, we are showing that we value the lives and well-being of animals just as much as we do our own.

In conclusion, animal testing is morally wrong because it goes against our basic principles of compassion and respect for all living beings. We must take a stand against this unethical practice and work towards finding more humane and effective ways to conduct research and testing.