What are the valuables that affect the strength of electric forces?

The valuables that affect the strength of electric forces include:

1. Charge: The magnitude of the electric force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of their charges. The greater the magnitude of the charges, the stronger the electric force between them.

2. Distance: The electric force between two charged objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. As the distance between the objects decreases, the electric force increases, and vice versa.

3. Permittivity: The permittivity of the medium between the charged objects also affects the strength of the electric force. Different materials have different permittivity values, which can either increase or decrease the strength of the electric force.

4. Medium: The medium in which the charged objects are located can also affect the strength of the electric force. Some materials allow electric fields to pass through easily, while others can block or distort the electric field, affecting the strength of the electric force.