Which adjectives go before the nouns in French? Give specific examples. What helps you remember this?

In French, adjectives typically go after the noun, unlike in English where adjectives usually go before the noun. However, there are some exceptions where certain adjectives come before the noun in French:

1. BANGS adjectives (Beauty, Age, Number, Goodness, Size) - adjectives that describe beauty, age, number, goodness, or size typically come before the noun. Examples:
- Belle maison (beautiful house)
- Petit chien (small dog)
- Bon vin (good wine)

2. Certain adjectives denoting nationality, religion, or originality also come before the noun. Examples:
- Français café (French cafe)
- Catholique église (Catholic church)
- Antique table (antique table)

Remembering this can be helped by the acronym BANGS, which reminds you of the types of adjectives that come before the noun in French.