Marta is training for the track team. She can run 100m in 20 seconds. What is Marta’s speed in metres per second? How far can Marta run in 4 minutes if she is running at the same speed? How long would it take Marta to run in 2000m if she was running at the same speed?

To calculate Marta's speed in metres per second, we divide the distance by the time:

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 100m / 20s
Speed = 5m/s

Therefore, Marta's speed is 5 metres per second.

To calculate how far Marta can run in 4 minutes (240 seconds) at the same speed, we multiply the speed by the time:

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 5m/s x 240s
Distance = 1200m

Marta can run 1200m in 4 minutes at the same speed.

To calculate how long it would take Marta to run 2000m at the same speed, we divide the distance by the speed:

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 2000m / 5m/s
Time = 400s

It would take Marta 400 seconds to run 2000m at the same speed.