The author's repetitive use of the "b" sound in the excerpt creates a sense of rhythm and musicality to the lines. This repetition also emphasizes the image of the birches bending, as the repeated "bend" sounds mimic the visual movement. Additionally, the repetition of the "b" sound suggests a soft and gentle motion, reflecting the peaceful and natural imagery of the birches swaying in the wind. This use of sound devices enhances the reader's experience and reinforces the overall theme of harmony with nature.

Furthermore, the rhythmic quality of the repeated "b" sound adds a soothing and comforting tone to the passage, echoing the tranquility and beauty of the natural world being described. The consistent use of this sound creates a cohesive and unified feel to the writing, mirroring the interconnectedness of nature and humanity that the author is exploring.

In conclusion, the author's skillful use of sound devices, particularly the repetition of the "b" sound, enhances the sensory experience of the reader and reinforces the themes of harmony with nature and the beauty of the natural world. This subtle yet effective technique brings the imagery to life and immerses the reader in the peaceful and enchanting world of the birches.