Alex weighs 85 pounds. Together, he and his sister weigh ten pounds more than five times the weight of his sister. What is the weight, w, of Alex's sister? (1 point) 85 + w = 5w - 10; 25 lb 85 + w = 5w; 28 lb 85 + w = 5w + 10; 15 lb 85 + w - 10 - 5w; 7.5 lb

Let x be the weight of Alex's sister. The equation for solving this problem is:

85 + x = 5x + 10

Subtract 5x from each side:

85 + x - 5x = 10
85 - 4x = 10

Subtract 85 from each side:

85 - 85 - 4x = 10 - 85
-4x = -75

Divide by -4:

x = 18.75

Therefore, the weight of Alex's sister is 18.75 pounds.