What is the volume of a rectangular prism that has a height of 1012 in., a length of 623 in., and a width of 214 in.? Is it large enough to hold an item that has a height of 8 in., a length of 6 in., and a width of 2 in.?(1 point) Responses 3,78024 in.3 and no, the item will not fit inside the prism. Start Fraction 3,780 over 24 End Fraction in cubed and no, the item will not fit inside the prism. 160 in.3 and yes, the item should fit inside the prism. 160 in cubed and yes, the item should fit inside the prism. 15 in.3 and no, the item will not fit inside the prism. 15 in cubed and no, the item will not fit inside the prism. 15712 in.3 and yes, the item should fit inside the prism.

The volume of the rectangular prism is calculated by multiplying the height, length, and width together:

Volume = height x length x width
Volume = 1012 in. x 623 in. x 214 in.
Volume = 134,730,076 in.^3

The volume of the rectangular prism is 134,730,076 in.^3. The item that needs to be stored has a volume of:
Volume = 8 in. x 6 in. x 2 in.
Volume = 96 in.^3

Since the volume of the item is 96 in.^3, it is small enough to fit inside the prism, which has a volume of 134,730,076 in.^3.

Therefore, the correct response is:
160 in.^3 and yes, the item should fit inside the prism.