
Mikayla and Jesse both solved the equation x−15=12−8, using substitution. Mikayla says the answer is x=19, and Jesse says the answer is x=27. Which student is correct, and how do you know? Show your work and explain your thinking. (2 points)

To determine who is correct, let's first solve the equation using substitution:

x - 15 = 12 - 8
x - 15 = 4
x = 4 + 15
x = 19

So, Mikayla is correct. The correct answer is x = 19.

Both Mikayla and Jesse substituted the values correctly and got x = 19 and x = 27 respectively. However, Jesse made a mistake in his calculation as x cannot be equal to 27 based on the original equation. Thus, by solving the equation step by step, we can see that Mikayla's answer x = 19 is the correct solution.