Reasons for changing the curriculum to CAPS

1. Alignment with national educational goals: The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) is designed to align with the national educational goals and priorities of the country. This ensures that students are receiving a curriculum that is relevant and meets the needs of the country's education system.

2. Improved quality of education: CAPS aims to improve the quality of education by providing a more comprehensive and structured curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and real-world applications of knowledge. This can lead to better academic outcomes for students.

3. Enhanced teacher support: CAPS provides teachers with clear guidelines and resources to help them effectively deliver the curriculum. This can lead to better classroom instruction and more consistent teaching practices across schools.

4. Increased accountability: CAPS includes standardized assessments and evaluations that can help measure student progress and hold schools and educators accountable for student outcomes. This can help identify areas for improvement and support ongoing professional development for teachers.

5. Updated content and methodologies: CAPS is continuously reviewed and updated to reflect current educational research and best practices. This ensures that students are receiving a curriculum that is up-to-date and relevant to the changing needs of society and the job market.

6. Equity and inclusivity: CAPS aims to promote equity and inclusivity in education by ensuring that all students have access to a quality curriculum that meets their individual needs and prepares them for future success. This can help reduce disparities in educational outcomes and opportunities for students from different backgrounds.