whata was true about slavery in the roman empire

under pax romana emperors passed laws helping enslaved people
romans enslaved people based on skin color
on avarage snslaved romans diedd young
enslaved romans could not become weathy

The statement "under pax romana emperors passed laws helping enslaved people" is false. Emperors did not pass laws specifically aimed at helping enslaved people during Pax Romana.

The statement "romans enslaved people based on skin color" is also false. Romans enslaved people from various backgrounds and ethnicities, not solely based on skin color.

The statement "on average, enslaved Romans died young" is true. Enslaved Romans often faced harsh living and working conditions, leading to a shorter life expectancy compared to free Romans.

The statement "enslaved Romans could not become wealthy" is generally true. Enslaved people had limited opportunities for social and economic mobility within Roman society.