Provide a definition and example for two of the following types of regions; formal, functional, perceptual

Formal Region:

Definition: Formal regions are defined by distinct boundaries such as political borders, physical features, or official designations. These regions have clear boundaries and are often defined by governmental or administrative boundaries.
Example: The state of California is a formal region defined by distinct political borders. It is officially recognized as a state within the United States with specific boundaries that separate it from neighboring states.

Functional Region:
Definition: Functional regions are defined by a central point or node and the surrounding areas that are linked to that central point through flows of goods, people, or information. These regions are organized around a central hub and can be defined by patterns of movement or interaction.
Example: The New York City metropolitan area is a functional region centered around the city of New York. The surrounding areas, such as New Jersey and Connecticut, are connected to New York through flows of commuters, goods, and services, creating a functional region based on economic ties and transportation networks.