Explain how Lady Capulet and the author of “Arranged Marriage: Yes or No?” emphasize the importance that arranged marriages can lead to happiness. Write a well-organized four-paragraph informational essay that uses specific evidence from the excerpts to support your answer

Lady Capulet emphasizes the potential for happiness in arranged marriages through her strong belief in tradition and family honor. In the play "Romeo and Juliet", Lady Capulet stresses the importance of wealthy and prestigious matches for Juliet in order to secure her future happiness. She believes that marrying within their social class and following the wishes of their parents will lead to a stable and prosperous life for Juliet. Lady Capulet's insistence on arranging Juliet's marriage reflects the societal norms of the time, which viewed arranged marriages as a way to maintain social status and ensure mutual benefits for both families involved.

Similarly, the author of “Arranged Marriage: Yes or No?” also emphasizes the potential for happiness in arranged marriages by presenting various cultural perspectives and success stories. The author explores the idea that arranged marriages can lead to long-lasting and fulfilling relationships by highlighting the importance of compatibility, shared values, and family support in such marriages. The author argues that arranged marriages have a higher success rate compared to love marriages, as they are often based on practical considerations and the input of family members who have the couple's best interest at heart. By providing examples of happy couples who have found love and happiness in arranged marriages, the author challenges the negative stereotypes associated with this practice.

Overall, both Lady Capulet and the author of “Arranged Marriage: Yes or No?” underscore the potential for happiness in arranged marriages by emphasizing the importance of tradition, family values, and compatibility in forming lasting relationships. They suggest that arranged marriages can lead to stable and fulfilling lives for individuals by focusing on mutual respect, understanding, and commitment between partners. Through their respective narratives, Lady Capulet and the author advocate for a reassessment of the societal attitudes towards arranged marriages and encourage readers to consider the benefits of this practice in achieving personal happiness and marital harmony.