Which element does figurative language rely on?

facts and details facts and details dictionary definitions dictionary definitions sources outside the story sources outside the story the reader's imagination

the reader's imagination

Which option describes the rhythm of a poem?

words beginning with the same consonant sound words beginning with the same consonant sound a word that imitates the sound it describes
rhyme patterns at the end of lines in a poem rhyme patterns at the end of lines in a poem a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables

a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables

Which option describes a simile

the reader's use of imagination to visualize a scene the reader's use of imagination to visualize a scene a description that gives a thing or idea human characteristics
a comparison of two unlike things that does not use the word like or as
a comparison of two unlike things using the word like or as a comparison of two unlike things using the word like or as

a comparison of two unlike things using the word like or as

What is the short form used to illustrate a rhyme scheme?

a list of line numbers a list of line numbers a series of capital letters
a set of special punctuation marks that show a pattern a set of special punctuation marks that show a pattern a brief description of how each line rhymes

a series of capital letters

Which feature makes a narrative poem different from other poems?

It uses figurative language. It uses figurative language. It tells a story. It tells a story. It uses stylistic techniques. It uses stylistic techniques. It offers a description or reflection.

It tells a story.