In the Caribbean, areas that once had thriving populations of organisms, have been overfished. Decreases in the fish population lead to decreases in the overall diversity of species in the area.

Which of the following could increase the number of species back into this area?

In the Caribbean, areas that once had thriving populations of organisms, have been overfished. Decreases in the fish population lead to decreases in the overall diversity of species in the area.

Which of the following could increase the number of species back into this area?

Eliminating non-native species and encouraging fishing for large predatory fish

Introducing non-native species to fill unoccupied habitats and banning fishing

Building artificial reefs and increasing fishing activity

Building artificial reefs and limiting fishing activity

Introducing non-native species to fill unoccupied habitats and banning fishing would likely be the most effective way to increase the number of species back into the area. By doing this, the balance of the ecosystem can be restored and the diversity of species can be increased. Building artificial reefs and limiting fishing activity could also help, but introducing non-native species and banning fishing would be the most direct and effective solution in this scenario.