Grass - Grasshopper - Blue jay. - Owl

97 000J. - 7 000J - 600J. - 50J

Calculate the percentage of the energy that is passed on from the grasshopper to the blue Jay . Show Al working.

To calculate the percentage of energy passed on from the grasshopper to the blue jay, we need to divide the energy transferred from the grasshopper to the blue jay by the initial energy of the grass and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Energy transferred from grasshopper to blue jay = 7000 J
Initial energy of grass = 97000 J

Percentage of energy passed on = (7000 J / 97000 J) * 100
Percentage of energy passed on = (0.0722) * 100
Percentage of energy passed on = 7.22%

Therefore, 7.22% of the energy is passed on from the grasshopper to the blue jay.