An expression is given.

(2x - 1) - 3.25(x + 3)
Which expression is equivalent to the given expression?

-1.25х - 4.00

1x B -1.25x - 3.25

-1.25x + 10.75

-1.25x - 10.75

-1.25x - 10.75

Mr. Gosling drove his family to the local theme park for the day. The cost for admission is $45 per ticket and $25 for parking Which equation can be used to find p, the number people in Mr. Gosling's family, if he spent a total of $295?

45p + 25 = 295

45p - 25 = 295

45 + 25р = 295

45 - 25р = 295

A. 45p + 25 = 295

x Michelle took a taxi home from the airport. The taxi fare was $2.25 per mile, and she gave the driver a tip of $5. Michelle paid a

total of $45.50. The equation 2.25x + 5 = 45.5 can be used to find the distance in miles (x) between the airport and Michelle's
How many miles is it between the airport and Michelle's home?

16 miles

17 miles

18 miles

19 miles

To find the value of x, we can solve the equation:

2.25x + 5 = 45.5
2.25x = 40.5
x = 40.5 / 2.25
x = 18

So, it is 18 miles between the airport and Michelle's home.

Answer: 18 miles.

What is the solution to this equation?

3x - 3 = -21
× = 6

x = 8


To solve the equation 3x - 3 = -21, we will first add 3 to both sides:

3x - 3 + 3 = -21 + 3
3x = -18

Now, we will divide by 3 to solve for x:

3x / 3 = -18 / 3
x = -6

So, the solution to the equation 3x - 3 = -21 is x = -6.

Answer: x = -6


Solve the equation for x

To solve the equation 9(2x + 15) = 45, we will first distribute the 9 on the left side:

18x + 135 = 45

Next, we will isolate the x term by subtracting 135 from both sides:

18x + 135 - 135 = 45 - 135
18x = -90

Finally, we will solve for x by dividing both sides by 18:

18x / 18 = -90 / 18
x = -5

So, the solution to the equation 9(2x + 15) = 45 is x = -5.