Be sure to add your text evidence that supports your answer regarding why William Shakesphere of Romeo and Juliet feels like arranged marriages can be happy. Be sure to cite the answer and state the page number

In Act 1, scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet, Paris expresses his desire to marry Juliet to Lord Capulet. When Capulet suggests that Juliet is still too young to marry, Paris argues that it is common for women of her age to be married, stating, "Younger than she are happy mothers made" (1.2.12).

This quote suggests that, in the context of the play, it is believed that young women can be happy in marriages that are arranged for them. Lord Capulet himself seems to agree with this sentiment when he later tells Paris, "She is the hopeful lady of my earth...and too soon marred are those so early made" (1.2.15-16). This indicates that Lord Capulet believes Juliet can be happy in an arranged marriage, as long as she is not rushed into it too soon.

Overall, Shakespeare portrays the belief that arranged marriages can lead to happiness for young women in Romeo and Juliet.