How wood reducing low growing plants from an area impacted population of tourists with two verities of neck extension, ability, short, and long distance

Reducing low growing plants in an area can have both positive and negative impacts on the population of tourists with different varieties of neck extension abilities.

- Short distance neck extenders: For tourists with short distance neck extension abilities, the reduction of low growing plants may actually enhance their experience. With fewer obstacles blocking their view, they may be able to see more of their surroundings and wildlife from a closer distance, making their visit more enjoyable and memorable. Additionally, the cleared area may offer easier access to popular attractions and hiking trails, making it easier for short distance neck extenders to explore the area.

- Long distance neck extenders: On the other hand, tourists with long distance neck extension abilities may be negatively impacted by the reduction of low growing plants. These visitors rely on the vegetation to provide shade, shelter, and habitat for wildlife that they can observe from a distance. Without the low growing plants, they may have a harder time spotting wildlife and experiencing the natural beauty of the area. Additionally, the lack of vegetation may make the area appear more barren and less appealing to long distance neck extenders.

Overall, the impact of reducing low growing plants on the population of tourists with different varieties of neck extension abilities will depend on the specific preferences and needs of each individual. It is important for land managers to consider the diverse needs of all visitors when making decisions about vegetation management in tourist areas.