Which of the following analogies is an example of antonyms?(1 point)


Quiet: Loud :: Slow: Fast
Quiet: Loud :: Slow: Fast

Smart: Intelligent :: Sly: Sneaky
Smart: Intelligent :: Sly: Sneaky

Finger: Hand :: Iris: Eye
Finger: Hand :: Iris: Eye

Book: Reading :: Googles: Swimming
Book: Reading :: Googles: Swimming

Quiet: Loud :: Slow: Fast

are u correct

Yes, I am correct. The analogy "Quiet: Loud :: Slow: Fast" is an example of antonyms because quiet and loud are antonyms, as well as slow and fast.

Which of the following sentences shows the relationship of this analogy?

(1 point)

Brush and Pen are synonyms
Brush and Pen are synonyms

Painters and authors are both creative
Painters and authors are both creative

Pens and brushes are both supplies that can be used by people
Pens and brushes are both supplies that can be used by people

A painter uses a brush to paint, just as an author uses a pen to write.

A painter uses a brush to paint, just as an author uses a pen to write.

double check

A painter uses a brush to paint, just as an author uses a pen to write.

Read the below sentence, then answer the question:

For there had been no rain for a long time. The crops withered, the grass turned yellow and fields cracked under the scorching sun.

What context clues in the text help the reader to understand the meaning of the word "withered?"

(1 point)

"Turned yellow" and "Cracked"
"Turned yellow" and "Cracked"

"Grass" and "Fields"
"Grass" and "Fields"

"Crops" and "Under"
"Crops" and "Under"

"Long time" and "Sun"

"Turned yellow" and "Cracked"


"Turned yellow" and "Cracked"