read the quote about women in roman society the position of the roman matron was quite different from that of the Greek matron in time of Pericles the roman matron was mistress her own household as the husband took charge of all external transactions, so the wife was supreme in household arrangements. James Donaldson woman: her position and influence in ancient Greece and Rome based on your knowledge of the role of women in the roman republic provide evidence to prove the authors claim that the position of roman women was different from that Greek women

One piece of evidence to support the claim that the position of Roman women was different from that of Greek women is the fact that Roman women were able to hold control over their households, while Greek women were often more limited in their authority within the home. Roman women had significant power and influence over the day-to-day operations of their households, including managing finances, overseeing domestic servants, and being responsible for the education and upbringing of children. In contrast, Greek women were typically confined to the home and were not granted the same levels of autonomy and authority as Roman women.

Additionally, Roman women had more legal rights and protections compared to Greek women. Roman women were able to own property, make legal contracts, and inherit wealth, whereas Greek women had limited legal standing and were often dependent on male relatives for financial support and legal representation. Roman women also had more opportunities for education and participation in public life, with some women even holding positions of political power and influence.

Overall, the evidence suggests that the position of Roman women in society was indeed different from that of Greek women, with Roman women enjoying greater autonomy, influence, and legal rights within their households and society as a whole.

write it like a 3rd grader

In old Rome, women were in charge of their homes and could make decisions about the household. They had power and influence over what happened in their families. But in ancient Greece, women didn't have as much say in their homes. They couldn't own property or make legal agreements like Roman women could. So, Roman women had more rights and control over their lives compared to Greek women.

also make it short

In ancient Rome, women were bosses of their homes while in Greece, they had less power. Roman women could own property and make decisions, but Greek women had fewer rights. So, Roman women had more control over their lives than Greek women.

Rember give evidence

In ancient Rome, women were allowed to own property, make legal contracts, and had more power over their households. On the other hand, in ancient Greece, women had limited rights and were dependent on men for financial support and legal representation. This shows that the position of Roman women was different from that of Greek women because Roman women had more autonomy and influence in their society.