What methods are used by those who deny the Holocaust?

1. Holocaust denial literature: Individuals and organizations that deny the Holocaust often produce and distribute literature that attempts to discredit historical evidence and testimonies of survivors.

2. Distortion of historical facts: Holocaust deniers often distort or misinterpret historical facts and evidence to promote their agenda. They may downplay the number of Jewish victims or claim that gas chambers and extermination camps never existed.

3. Conspiracy theories: Some Holocaust deniers believe in conspiracy theories that claim the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by Jews, allied forces, or other groups to further their own political or financial interests.

4. Revisionist history: Some deniers engage in so-called revisionist history by attempting to reinterpret historical events and documents to support their claims. This often involves manipulating evidence or cherry-picking facts to fit their narrative.

5. Propaganda and misinformation: Holocaust deniers may use propaganda and misinformation tactics to spread their beliefs, including creating websites, social media campaigns, and other forms of media to promote their views and recruit followers.

6. Legal challenges: In some countries, Holocaust denial is illegal. Some deniers have used legal challenges and court cases to try to undermine established historical facts and promote their own narrative.