2. The following table shows distances in miles between some cities in the United

States. The distances have been written in scientific notation.
Atlanta Baltimore Boston Chicago Los
Seattle Tampa
Atlanta 0
Baltimore 0
Boston 0
Chicago 0
3 0
Seattle 0
Tampa 0
a. Plan a trip where you will start at one city, travel to a second city, travel to a
third city, and then return to the original city. How far will you travel all
together? Write your total distance traveled in both decimal notation and
scientific notation. Show all your work so it is clear what cities you are going to
and in what order.
Using the table of distances, make up your own word problem that would require someone to use division to solve. Write the problem and provide the solution

a. Let's plan a trip starting in Atlanta, then traveling to Baltimore, then Boston, and finally returning to Atlanta.

1. Atlanta to Baltimore: 2.5 x 10^2 = 250 miles
2. Baltimore to Boston: 4.7 x 10^2 = 470 miles
3. Boston to Atlanta: 9.4 x 10^2 = 940 miles

Total distance traveled: 250 + 470 + 940 = 1660 miles

Total distance traveled in scientific notation: 1.66 x 10^3 miles

b. Word problem:
You are planning a road trip from Chicago to Los Angeles. The distance between the two cities is 1.2 x 10^3 miles. If you drive 60 miles per hour, how long will it take you to reach Los Angeles?
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = (1.2 x 10^3) / 60
Time = 2 x 10^1 hours
Time = 20 hours

It will take 20 hours to reach Los Angeles from Chicago driving at 60 miles per hour.