What is the volume of a moving truck with the following measurements: 9 9/10 ft. long, 6 1/10 ft. high, and 6 9/10 ft. wide? Apply the volume formula for a rectangular prism to solve. (1 point)


A. 22 9/10 ft.3

B. 68 31/100 ft.3

C. 691 416/1,000 ft.3

D. 416 691/1,000 ft.3

The volume formula for a rectangular prism is V = lwh, where l = length, w = width, and h = height.

Length (l) = 9 9/10 ft. = 9.9 ft.
Width (w) = 6 9/10 ft. = 6.9 ft.
Height (h) = 6 1/10 ft. = 6.1 ft.

Plugging the values into the formula:
V = (9.9) x (6.9) x (6.1)
V = 417.069 ft.3

Therefore, the volume of the moving truck is 417.069 ft.3, which is closest to option D: 416 691/1,000 ft.3.