The top of the shape is 7 yd the bottom of the shape is 3 yd the right side of the shape is 8 yd Solve the following problem: A town has a swimming pool shaped as in the diagram.

What is the area of the swimming pool in square yards?
(1 point)
A. 65 square yards
B. 30 square yards
C. 44 square yards
D.56 square yards

To find the area of the swimming pool, we need to use the formula for the area of a trapezoid, which is:

A = 0.5 * (b1 + b2) * h

Where b1 and b2 are the lengths of the bases, and h is the height.

In this case, the top of the shape is the base b1, which is 7 yd, the bottom of the shape is the base b2, which is 3 yd, and the right side of the shape is the height, which is 8 yd.

Plugging the values into the formula:

A = 0.5 * (7 + 3) * 8
A = 0.5 * 10 * 8
A = 5 * 8
A = 40 square yards

Therefore, the area of the swimming pool is 40 square yards.
B. 30 square yards