Find the value of k: k + 1/2 = 4/5

To find the value of k, we need to isolate k on one side of the equation.

First, let's get rid of the fraction by multiplying the entire equation by 2 to clear the fraction:

2(k + 1/2) = 2(4/5)
2k + 1 = 8/5

Now, let's get rid of the constant by subtracting 1 from both sides:

2k = 8/5 - 1
2k = 8/5 - 5/5
2k = 3/5

Finally, divide by 2 to solve for k:

k = (3/5) / 2
k = 3/5 * 1/2
k = 3/10

Therefore, the value of k is 3/10.