What is the surface area of the net of the triangular prism?

17 M by 16 m x 11m
Inside 15 m x 17 m

To find the surface area of the net of a triangular prism, we need to find the area of each face and then add them all together.

The triangular faces of the prism will have dimensions 17m x 11m, as the height of the prism is 16m and the base of the triangle is 17m with a height of 11m.

The area of one triangular face is:

Area = 0.5 * base * height
Area = 0.5 * 17m * 11m
Area = 93.5 square meters

Since there are two triangular faces, the total area of the two triangular faces is 93.5 * 2 = 187 square meters.

The two rectangular faces of the prism will have dimensions 17m x 16m and 15m x 16m.

The area of the first rectangular face is:

Area = length * width
Area = 17m * 16m
Area = 272 square meters

The area of the second rectangular face is:

Area = length * width
Area = 15m * 16m
Area = 240 square meters

Adding all the areas together, the total surface area of the net of the triangular prism is:

187 (triangular faces) + 272 (rectangular face 1) + 240 (rectangular face 2) = 699 square meters.