How are the natural resources of Washington state affected by the people who live there? Provide two examples and explain wheatger the effect of each is possitive or negative

1. Logging: The logging industry in Washington state has been a major source of revenue and employment for many years. However, the extensive logging practices have had a negative impact on the natural resources of the state. Clear-cutting of forests has led to habitat destruction for many species of plants and animals, soil erosion, and water pollution. This has had a negative effect on biodiversity and overall ecosystem health.

2. Fishing: Washington state is known for its abundant fisheries, including salmon, halibut, and crab. The fishing industry supports many local economies and provides a sustainable source of food for residents. However, overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices have depleted fish stocks and harmed marine ecosystems. This has had a negative impact on the natural resources of the state, as well as the livelihood of fishermen and the communities that depend on fishing for their economy.

Overall, while the activities of the people in Washington state have provided economic benefits and sustenance, they have also had negative impacts on the natural resources of the state. It is important for residents to prioritize sustainable practices and conservation efforts to ensure the long-term health and viability of their environment.