for The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-TI -S. Alexie Alexie (2007) chapters Wake, Valentine Heart, and in like a lion

what were 3 plot points and 3 key qutotations?

Plot points:

1. In the chapter "Wake," Junior's sister Mary is killed in a car accident due to drunk driving. This event shakes Junior's family to its core and serves as a turning point in the novel.
2. In the chapter "Valentine Heart," Junior faces racism and discrimination at his new school, where he is the only Native American student. He struggles to fit in and make connections with his peers.
3. In the chapter "In Like a Lion," Junior starts to find his voice and identity as he navigates through the challenges of growing up on the Spokane Indian Reservation and attending a predominantly white school.

Key quotations:
1. "If you let people into your life a little bit, they can be pretty damn amazing."
2. "I realized that, sure, I was a Spokane Indian. I belonged to that tribe. But I also belonged to the tribe of American immigrants. And to the tribe of basketball players. And to the tribe of bookworms."
3. "I mean, I'm 14 years old! What kind of war can I fight?"