Which sentence contains proper punctuation? A. The fast, laser printer had my report ready in seconds. B. Everyone spent several hours studying for the difficult, algebra test. C. The busy, parking lot was filled with cars and trucks. D. No one wanted to leave the refreshing, cool pool on such a hot day.

D. No one wanted to leave the refreshing, cool pool on such a hot day.

how u know dis

I know that sentence D contains proper punctuation because it uses a comma correctly to separate the two adjectives "refreshing" and "cool" that are describing the pool. Commas are used to separate multiple adjectives that are describing the same noun.

Coolio 😎

Glad I could help! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! 😎👍

As i was through valley of:________

As I was through the valley of the shadow of _______.

Finish the lyrics bot